Q.1. My child, 2 years old, has been diagnosed of having "milk allergy". He is suffering from diarrhoea since the time he is born – his stool are frothy, sticky, greenish in colour and very sour smelling. Sometimes he gets severe pain in abdomen, one hour after drinking milk and his abdomen always looks big and bloated. My doctors have stopped his milk and now he is better, but the moment I give even ½ a cup of milk, he develops loose stools with pain. How can I stop milk? I am very worried. Is there any medicine you can suggest?

Ans. Abdominal cramps, bloating, excessive gas and diarrhoea are common symptoms that can be caused by milk in a surprisingly high number of otherwise normal persons and children. This milk allergy is due to a reduced level of enzyme called ‘Lactase’, present in the small intestine. This enzyme lactase is required to digest lactose, the natural sugar found in milk and dairy products. Thus the lactose or sugar of the milk remains within the intestine undigested and unabsorbed. After sometime, lactose eventually reaches the colon, where bacteria metabolize it to products that can produce distension, cramps, gas and loose bowel movements.

Why is it more prevalent in children? ‘Lactose’ is found in high levels in children, for the obvious reason that the chief source of nutrition in early infancy is milk. In some children, the ‘Lactase’ enzyme level is mysteriously low, due to which diarrhoea problems because of milk allergy is maximum. According to research done by the World Health Organisation (W.H.O.), milk allergy is present more in Mediterranean, Black and Asian societies. But it is not necessary that all those who have low level of Lactase enzyme should have milk diarrhoea only. Some may complain of abdominal discomfort after as little as a single glass of milk. Others may have problems by eating dairy products like curd, cheese butter milk, ice-creams, etc. When the symptoms are severe, they mimic an irritable bowel condition.

Homoeopathic treatment helps in regularizing the Lactase enzyme and thus brings about a complete recovery.

Your child’s case is similar to the following case…….

A seven month old infant was brought to us with a history of watery stools from the 4th month onwards. The child used to pass 10-12 watery stools daily. This had made the child extremely weak. In fact, twice in a period of seven months, he was admitted to a nursing home for dehydration. Doctors had come to the conclusion that the child should be off milk completely. Now, in our society, it is unthinkable to bring up a child without milk. Therefore, the parents brought the child in for homoeopathic treatment. The child had milk allergy, and therefore, for the time being even I recommended that his top milk be completely stopped and treatment was started. Once his condition improved with our medicines, regular milk could be given.

On going through the history, we found that when the child was 3 ½ months old, he was weaned from the breast to the top milk. All his problems started then. He passed frequent greenish, watery and very sour smelling stools. Severe pain in the abdomen always preceded the loose stools. At times, the stools would be full of undigested milk with a very offensive sour smell. MAG CARB or CARBONATE MAGNESIA was given to this infant. This remedy is more or less specific for diarrhoea due to change of milk. Today, after six months of regular treatment, the child is able to digest milk much better and all the symptoms which he earlier had are relieved and stools are regular.

Infants and children can be viewed as ever evolving metabolic systems, as they go through a series of critical periods during the process of maturation. It is during this process that they switch over from a homogeneous milk diet to the heterogeneous adult diet. During these first few months of extra uterine life the infant is totally dependent on milk for his protein and energy requirements.

The growth and survival of the infant depends upon its ability to metabolize milk constituents, conversely inability to metabolize milk, invariably affects growth and considerably reduces chances of survival. Most infants are born with adequate metabolic processes to digest milk. A variety of causes however damage these processes and render the infant intolerant to milk. The leading cause of milk intolerance is diarrhoea and the main effect of milk intolerance is again diarrhoea. The vicious cycle once set in, finally ends up in death if it is unchecked.

Homoeopathic medicines are deep acting and curative in treatment. A number of diarrhoea and vomiting cases due to milk allergy have been totally cured by these medicines. Each medicine has its own symptoms, causative factors, constitutions and temperament. When correct matching of the patient’s symptoms with the drugs symptoms is achieved, then recovery is fast and permanent.



The following description is typical of a child suffering from milk allergy –

Fat, flabby baby with a big head (often sour smelling), that perspires profusely at night, when the child is asleep. The perspiration is so profuse that it wets the pillow. Dentition is delayed. The teeth that should begin to appear don’t. And you are told that "milk disagrees". Their vomit smells sour looks curd-like. The stools smell sour and pungent, with a burning in the anus. These children hate milk and they are in the habit of eating and also crave for earth (Alum), chalk, clay, raw potatoes, lime, slate pencils & eggs. Abdomen is much disturbed, distended and looks like an inverted saucer. These children have very weak bones because of impaired metabolism due to milk allergy, therefore, the calcium that is absorbed from milk for bone development during infancy is deficient. At times, they have open fontanells for a long period. Calcarea Carb in correct potency and dosage should be decided by a physician, but in the meantime, Calcarea Carb 200, 5 pills after each loose stool should be given.



This is indicated when diarrhoea occurs after milk, especially after change of milk from tone milk to whole milk, from cow’s milk to buffalo’s milk, from milk powder to dairy milk, etc. Stools are profuse watery like a yellow substance resembling the pulp of an orange which gushes out and is accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen. Anus is red because of acidic stools. The slightest touch to the anus, like while washing after stools, makes the child scream. The abdomen is full of flatus, which causes rumbling in abdomen.

Natrum Carb 200, 5 pills, 2 hourly till further advise should be given.



The patient usually is thin, pale and very sensitive to cold. His growth is delayed for the age, he is very sensitive, resents personal interference and is more inclined to retire into his shell. His important symptoms are that, he sweats profusely around head, neck, palms and feet. These children have enlarged glands in the neck and a tendency to catch cold very fast and aversion along with an allergy to milk.

Silicea 30, 5 pills four times a day will help.



Dr. Nash says, "We fully agree that "AETHUSA" is one of our best remedies, for vomiting due to milk, in children. This milk comes up as soon as it is swallowed by great effort, after which the child becomes greatly relaxed and drowsy. If the milk stays in longer, it is finally vomited out in large quantities and looks like curds and smells very offensive.


These infants start crying the moment their stomach is empty after a vomit and their crying does not stop till the time they are fed with milk. The same process repeats itself vomiting, falling off to sleep after vomiting, wakes up with crying for milk. Aethusa 200, 5 pills four times a day for two to three months will help the child to overcome his milk allergy.

Correct homoeopathic medicines in its right potency when prescribed by a qualified homoeopath can bring down infant mortality due to diarrhoea, help in alternating symptoms and effect a long term cure.

Readers are adviced that the medical advice offered in this column pertains to generalized treatment of the condition. Kindly consult your doctor before self-medication.